Paul Ratcliffe posted a simple solution to this problem: copy the following lines into a text file with the name mouseobj.cmd (or whatever.cmd), then execute the script from the command line or simply by double-clicking the icon.
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
class = 'WPMouse'
title = 'Mouse'
location = '<WP_CONFIG>'
call SysCreateObject class, title, location, setup, 'R'
Please note that the "setup=..." line, which is wrapped here due to space limits, must be joined back to form a single line of text.
Many thanks to Dario Ragazzini for the suggestion!
Hi Cris,
Copying and pasting didn't work here on eCSV2.0RC1 as the "wp_config" needs to be "WP_CONFIG", as in Paul's original. Although all standard WPS ID seem to be uppercased, the "wp_mouse" will create the Mouse object.
On posting this the following was displayed:
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: - referring to the angle-brackets where the double-quotes are in the above!
Mike O'Connor
Thank you very much for your comment Mike!
I'll correct the sample ASAP.
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