
VoiceType on OS/2 4.5x (or eCS)

I have been following a discussion on OS/2 World regarding the possibility to run IBM's VoiceType on recent OS/2 (or eCS) releases.
The point of the discussion was that users find it seemingly impossible to run VoiceType on anything newer that Warp 4 (and thus on eCS too).
Robert posted a suggestion, saying that he has always been able to install and use VoiceType even on newer systems.
He later posted a link to a tutorial outlining all the steps to install VoiceType on OS/2 v4.5x. here you can also find a link to the latest fixes for VoiceType.
I have found this very interesting, since VoiceType was a very nice and useful dictation system, if a little memory and CPU hungry. On today's hardware it is probably even better.

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